VPS News: We’re Going Places…
We’re taking the SSD-VPS hosting revolution to pastures new with our exciting new announcement…
Solid state drive virtual private servers – or SSD-VPS to you and me – have emerged as a popular hosting technology. While SSDs are by no means new technology, advancements in hardware capabilities have led to their increasing reliability as a robust hosting solution for small and large businesses alike.
Here at VPS.NET we have been at the forefront of the SSD-VPS resurgence, offering our clients the opportunity to take advantage of lightning fast speeds with RAID10 confgured SSD-VPS servers that don’t take a chunk out of the company purse. Known for their impressive price/performance ratio, SSD-VPS servers have continued to be a popular choice for our customers, so we’re taking our solid state drives to the next level: they’re going global.
Over the coming month we will begin the roll-out of our SSD-VPS servers to new data centers in both Europe and North America. This will allow you to get a bigger bang for your buck in more locations, adding to our existing Salt Lake City, New York and London data centres which currently offer SSD-VPS.
What is SSD-VPS?
Solid state drive VPS hosting offers an alternative to standard hosting where a hard disk is used to store data. The primary difference between the two technologies is performance: unlike a hard disk a solid state drive has no mechanical components and as such can run at a quicker speed than its hard disk cousin.
When a user searches for data on an SSD-VPS system they can guarantee that their data will be retrieved in the blink of an eye, as no cumbersome magnetic mechanics are at play to slow down the system.
Check out our website for more info on SSD-VPS and to get started in either our London, New York or Salt Lake City locations. Our new SSD-VPS locations will be unveiled within the month…