The Techie Bucket List
And in the end, it’s not the years in your life that count. It’s the life in your years – Abraham Lincoln.
Swimming with dolphins, bungee jumping, learning a language. These are the sort of things that come up time and again when people are asked about their bucket lists. But techies have a whole different list of things they want to do before they die.
We asked some of the techie guys at VPS what they’d put on their bucket list and we got some pretty awesome answers. We’ve graded the answers on a three-tiered scale, ranging from ‘sweet’ to ‘marvelous’ to ‘epic’. ‘Sweet’ being items that are mostly attainable, ‘Marvelous’ being a wild dream coming true, and ‘Epic’ being a list that I’m not quite sure is possible, but maybe, just maybe.
Build a robot. One of our techies Cody Erekson has already ticked this one off his list. Visit robopaul‘s website for more information.
Be an expert at something.
Live in a ‘smart house’.
Participate in a flash mob.
Own at least one patent.
Create something that goes ‘viral’ or highlighted on a techie website like Lifehacker or hackaday etc.
Develop and distribute a video game.
Create artificial intelligence.
Write a science fiction trilogy.
See a space shuttle launch.
Give a TED talk.
Work at Google’s X Lab.
Travel to the moon
Invent a teleportation device
Beat the Turing Test