Has Your Business Added The ‘Code’ To ‘Art & Copy’?
Since the advertising explosion in the 1960s, marketing has been steadily growing more and more prominent in our daily lives. According to Google, marketing is at the threshold of another explosion they have deemed Art, Copy & Code.
“What hasn’t changed is the need for human insights, breakthrough ideas and emotional stories. From where we see things, it’s clear that the need to tell compelling stories has actually never been more important. Our connected world is giving brands more dimensions and touch points, but they still need something compelling to offer in order to create a real connection.”
-Google’s Art, Copy & Code team.
In the 1960s the idea of art and copy became a marketing mainstay by pairing up art directors and copywriters. In 2013 Google decided to amend the traditional mantra by adding code to the mix through the mixture of computer programming and IT professionals.
Get the full experience at ArtCopyCode.com.
This idea has become what they call a “second creative revolution” for a “connected world.” This shift in the ideology of everyday marketing has led to a marketing atmosphere with dimension and depth. No longer are ads printed in black and white and flat on the page. Marketing has shifted to become an interactive experience that builds relationships between consumer and creator.
Newer technologies like Bluetooth, RFID (radio frequency identification) and NFC (near field communication) have brought the digital world and reality to a place where not only do they touch but can actually overlap in certain areas. Online action leads to real-world reaction and vice versa. By adding some creative and inventive minds to the equation we have made major developments where the real world/digital world fusion exists.
Top software innovators have added a whole new level to the world of marketing. By teaming up with various development teams and retailers Google have been able to expand their vision for Art, Copy & Code to create amazing projects like talking tennis shoes, real time campaigns and apps for making your drive social. Oh and did we mention that EA Sports and Google joined forces just so you can taunt your opponent in real time?
By allowing consumers to interact directly with brands, companies can tailor-fit products and services especially for their audiences. This idea has been referred to as “An Audience of One” as seen in Target’s Bullseye Playground, an interactive app that allows users to gain bonuses for walking in the store. Target and Google have plans to expand Bullseye Playground to include emerging Project Tango technology.
According to Google, the world creates 2.5 quintillion bytes of data each and every day (that’s 17 zeros!). Google’s plan is to start using this knowledge “for things like beautiful data visualizations and targeted messaging” but admit that they’ve “only scratched the surface of what’s possible.”.
Watch this dynamic video from Google’s Art, Copy & Code team. Hint: Watch it twice. The video is different every time you see it, and draws specific information for each viewer.
According to the Huffington Post, in the spirit of Art, Copy & Code, these digital marketing trends will dominate 2015:
- Smarter email marketing.
Free eBooks and white papers will become the way that brands offer value to customers. Highly relevant content will be what builds brand/buyer relationships.
- ‘Human’ brands will win.
People are people and if your brand is one that consumers feel like they can trust, you will pull out on top of competitors. Building relationships is now the key to building sales with authentic and humanized marketing strategy.
- ‘True value’ content marketing.
Quality over quantity, easy enough right? With rapid changes in SEO ratings, adding content will no longer be enough. Businesses will now have to raise the bar to provide relevant content to survive.
- Fewer online marketing strategies.
This is not to say that there will be fewer companies online. We will see social media being predominantly used for targeted marketing strategies rather than “the more the better” idea that we have seen in 2014.
- ‘Pushy’ brands will die out.
Brands that use social media to attract customers will be far more successful than brands that push their products to consumers.
- “Mobile First” will replace “mobile-friendly”.
This is to say that no longer will sites have to become responsive because it is most likely that the sites will be designed with mobile in mind rather than the standard desktop viewer.
- Company-wide content marketing.
2015 will be the year that content is produced by every department in the company. Each and every employee should have a say in the quality and content being added to sites
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