What Will Quantum Computing Mean For IT?
Is the next phase of Moore’s Law quantum computing? Hard to say…
It’s a well-known fact that computers are binary. Every smartphone, tablet and desktop PC operates using an endless array of zeroes and ones. Programming code is merely a human-friendly interface for this binary data, which boils down to one of two states, and computers are effectively limited by their ability to distinguish between these binary inputs.
Quantum computing could therefore represent the next phase of computing. A quantum bit (or qubit) can be a one, a zero, or both at the same time. For reasons that would require a mathematics degree to fully explain (and understand), that makes a quantum processor thousands of times more powerful than even the most advanced silicon-based supercomputer. In turn, this could transform the complexity and accuracy of tasks a computer can accomplish, potentially opening the door to a second technology revolution.
The reason quantum computing hasn’t already changed the world is because the atoms and molecules that can act as qubits are extremely fragile. They have to be kept at temperatures hundreds of degrees below zero, free from any electromagnetic interference, and this elevates the cost of a quantum computer into eight-figure territory. Rather like the supercomputers of the 1960s, there are only a few institutions in the world that can justify such an astronomical outlay.
There are other similarities to those tape-reel towers of 50 years ago. Today’s quantum computers are effectively the preserve of global finance institutions and renowned universities, and even the world’s finest minds are barely scratching the surface of this sector’s potential. The ability to process vast reams of information means quantum computers could inspire unimaginable advances in areas like space travel and robotics – just as Sixties supercomputers spearheaded revolutions in modern communications and finance.
As Moore’s law suggests, quantum computers should shrink in both size and cost as their processing power continues to expand. While a quantum in every home may be overly ambitious, they would be ideal for managing the cloud as billions of internet-enabled devices begin uploading incalculable amounts of data that all requires processing and storage. Quantum computers are particularly good at pattern recognition, financial analysis and learning, all of which will play a huge role in the IoT.
It would be nice to conclude by saying that quantum computing will do for the world what those office-filling monsters did half a century ago, but that’s not necessarily the case. It’s currently hard to imagine a quantum computer that doesn’t require components like liquid nitrogen, which may render them unaffordable or impractical for domestic use. An entirely new type of programming is required, and few IT professionals presently have the requisite knowledge to harness the mind-bending complexity of qubit programming.
More worryingly, quantum computing could potentially undermine the security of today’s IT hardware. Their potential to rapidly solve today’s (effectively impossible) mathematical equations might nullify current security systems. Complex passwords and 2FA authentication would be no match for a quantum computer, so a truly unbreakable encryption algorithm might have to be invented before these machines could safely be turned over to the general public.
Nonetheless, the potential for quantum computing is far beyond anything our feeble minds can currently conjecture. After all, nobody using a 1960s supercomputer ever envisaged Call of Duty or Netflix being the future of silicon microchips. Who knows what a quantum processor could do for the world – or to it?