The Magic LAMP
Take a look at the convenience available through LAMP stack and how it works.
Open source software has been a blessing for website designers and IT Professionals the world over. It wasn’t so long ago that creating a new website involved proprietary programs whose inflexibility was matched only by their cost. By contrast, open source platforms offer abundant versatility, and few have become as popular as the LAMP stack, capable of creating stylish and secure websites, apps, and much more besides. Although the individual components may vary slightly, a classic LAMP stack will comprise the following four platforms:
Supervised by the not-for-profit Linux foundation, this UNIX-derived OS is beloved by coders and developers for its user-friendly interfaces – plural, because Linux has fragmented into different distributions such as Debian and Ubuntu. Although each distro has its own advocates, it’s relatively easy to transfer between them as every Linux variant shares the same kernel architecture. Linux knowledge is practically essential nowadays as it provides the platform for Android, which holds more than 80% of the global smartphone market.
Also governed by a volunteer-led foundation, Apache has established itself as the world’s leading web server with over half of the global market. Its open source nature makes it easy to configure Apache for different hosting requirements, and there are plenty of accompanying software ranging from mobile app builders to analytics packages.
The third link in each LAMP chain is a relational database management system. Crucial for storing data, but also skilled at handling dynamic content, MySQL has been honed and refined over two decades. It majors on speed, though its time-honoured flexibility is being challenged by new packages such as MongoDB.
Confusingly, PHP isn’t a package or platform in the manner of its three LAMP siblings. Instead, it’s a robust and hugely flexible scripting language used for dynamic web-based applications. It powers everything from Facebook and Tumblr to Wikipedia and Mailchimp, with a tell-tale .php suffix in the address of its web pages.
So why does this particular combination of platforms work so well? In part it’s because of LAMP’s innate flexibility. Individual components can be reconfigured or adapted as required; PHP can be replaced with Python or Perl if either programming language is more familiar to the end user, while Linux’s arch-rival Windows can underpin a WAMP stack. The ability to replace individual parts means a large number of programmers and coders can navigate their way round at least one LAMP variant.
The loyalty shown by the open source community has also allowed platforms like MySQL and Linux to develop over decades, gradually refining their original architecture to create stable and well-resourced applications. If you discover a flaw or software conflict, you can fix it for the good of everyone, somewhat different to glitchy proprietary software like Windows. LAMP also differs from Windows 8 in its robustness, with minimal outages and failover recovery built in.
However, perhaps the greatest argument in favour of adopting LAMP involves its affordability compared to commercially-marketed alternatives. Despite growing appreciation of the JavaScript-powered MEAN stack (particularly among cloud-based developers), LAMP’s interchangeable open-source components are helping to maintain its place as the world’s most popular web design platform.
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