5 Things To Look For When Choosing A VPS Hosting Company
When searching for a new VPS hosting company, it’s easy to be wooed by free or low-cost systems. This is especially true for anyone who may be new to hosting. However, many find that when choosing so-called “cheap” hosting companies, you truly get what you pay for. It can be difficult for a beginner to know what to search for before committing to a service. It can be overwhelming, especially when considering longer contracts of a year or more. Below we cover just exactly what you should be looking for as you choose your next VPS hosting partner, and how to avoid commonly made mistakes:
#1. Free isn’t actually free
Whether you are creating a website or a blog, you may be familiar with web hosts who allow you to set up shop for free. These platforms can handle a few visitors and are functional to an extent. Free hosting platforms claim to be free, but anyone with an account typically manages sites that are inundated with ads and spam. While you may not be paying financially for the limited services you receive, you pay in other ways such as slow sites, bad SEO and limited traffic.
#2. Understand restrictions
Often when web hosts offer “unlimited” bandwidth or storage, you might not get as much as you expected. Understand exactly what type of infrastructure you will be hosting from and what the capacities are for that specific system. Shady companies may say “unlimited”, but what they really mean is “as much as we can give you”. Also, pay attention to the operating systems and software you will have access too. Some operating systems also have additional fees, so you will need to calculate the costs into your budget.
#3. Make a getaway plan
Before committing to a web host, be sure that you know exactly what you will need to do before moving your data to another host. This is also true for domain names. Some web hosts have fees and red tape to get through before you can move your websites. The easiest way to find out is to read online reviews, or call the company’s sales team and ask. Reputable VPS hosting companies will help you make the move, while the less reputable will seem like they are holding your data hostage.
#4. Know what you need
The most common mistake we see when opening new accounts is that clients don’t know what they will need to support their system. By understanding exactly how many resources you need, including bandwidth and storage, you can avoid the frustration of getting your new VPS and not having space you need to install the software and applications you would like to use.
#5. Search out the SLA
Any reputable VPS hosting company guarantees their services in their Service Level Agreement (SLA). Before committing to a VPS provider, be sure to take a look at the SLA and make sure that you can get your money back within a set time frame should you be unhappy with the services. Many SLAs also offer refunds should the services be interrupted for any length of time. Make sure you take the time to read through exactly what your VPS hosting provider responsibilities entail, and don’t commit unless you are satisfied with the SLA.